12A Dr. Burghelea Street,
District 2, 024032
Bucharest, Romania
47/1, A. Pushkin St.
MD-2005, Chisinau
Republic of Moldova
Have a question? Need legal assistance? What more information on a current legal or tax issue? We would be delighted to hear from you. We will respond to your email as soon as we possibly can. If you need to reach a specific attorney, just mention their name in your correspondence, and we will make sure they receive it.
12A Dr. Burghelea Street
District 2, 024032
Bucharest, Romania
Tel: +40-(0)21-311-5654
Fax: +40-(0)21-311-5650
47/1, A. Pushkin St.
MD-2005, Chisinau
Republic of Moldova
Tel: +373 (0)22-26-09-22
Fax: +373 (0)22-21-04-45
Vernon | David is always looking for new people that are able to add value to our firm and who share our commitment to giving our clients first class legal advice and the highest standards of professional service.
Copyright 2022 Vernon David